
Mother-Daughter Tea

1964, Mother-Daughter Tea. 
Wanda Ewoldsen, Margaret Mason, June James.
Methodist church, Christian church, Catholic church.

Every year the three churches would have a
Mother-Daughter Tea.
A Mother of the Year would be chosen from eac
h church.

(Thanks to Dee Ewoldsen Schelker for this photo
and information above about the teas
and where they were held).

Wanda Ewoldsen's necklace given to her when she was an
honored mother in the photo above.
courtesy of Dee (Ewoldsen) Schelker

(Osceola Sentinel, May 7, 1964 page 7).
The Seventh annual Mother Daughter tea was held on Sunday afternoon, May 3 at the Woodburn Methodist church with the two other Woodburn churches, the Catholic and Christian participating.  Mrs. Glida Boor was program chairman and Mrs. Fern Underwood of Osceola, the guest speaker. Each year a mother from each of the churches is chosen and honored as mother of the year.

Those chosen Sunday were Mrs. June James, Catholic church, Mrs. Margaret Mason, Christian church, and Mrs. Wanda Ewoldsen, Methodist church. Each mother was presented with a lovely corsage and a necklace. Mrs. Underwood also received a corsage.
Mrs. Juanita Cunningham was in charge of the guest book and approximately 150 guests were registered. Refreshments of cake, nuts, punch and coffee were served from a beautifully decorated table.

 May, 1963 "if you don't have a daughter, borrow one and plan to attend"

(We also had these teas for 4-H in the 70's and later and also during these years). 

(Osceola Sentinel, May 7, 1959)
The Willing Workers Sunday school class of the Woodburn Christian church held its third annual Mother-Daughter Tea on Sunday afternoon, May 3 in the church with between 115 and 120 signing the guest book.
Mrs. Mary Linderman and Mrs. Mary Lou Mason, the program committee, presented a very nice program.
Mrs. Nettie Cline received a very lovely corsage for being the mother with the most daughters. Mrs. Cecile Boyd of Lucas also received a corsage for being the youngest grandmother present.
An honor mother for 1959 was selected from each of the following churches: Mrs. Rebecca Duree, Catholic church; Mrs. Hazel Lewis, Methodist church; and Mrs. Juanita Woods, Christian church. They each received a lovely corsage and a bracelet with the words, "Honor Mother of '59" inscribed on each one. Refreshments of cake, coffee and punch were served. A nice time was had by all attending.

Excerpt from 1961 tea - 
The annual Mother and Daughter Tea sponsored by the Willing Workers Class of the Woodburn Christian Church was held on Sunday afternoon May 7, at the Church with one hundred and twenty-four people signing the guest book.
Miss Peggy Frlzzell and Mrs. Thelma Davis who were in charge of the program, presented a very interesting one which was enjoyed by all.
A lovely corsage was presented to the mother with the youngest daughter present which was given to Mrs. Joan Trumbo and her seven-week old daughter who live in Des Moines. Another lovely corsage was presented to the mother having the oldest daughter present which was received by Mrs. Josie Mason and her daughter, Mrs. Mable Frizzell. As in the past an honored mother from each of the three churches in Woodburn was selected.
They were Catholic church, Mrs. LaVera Cottrell; Methodist church, Mrs. Mable Oehlert; and Christian church, Mrs. Nola Ewoldsen.
Each honored mother was presented with a lovely corsage and bracelet.

(Osceola Sentinel, May 17, 1962, p.5)
The annual Mother-Daughter Tea was held Sunday, May 6 at the Woodburn Methodist church. The purpose of the tea was to honor the mothers in the community and to give special honors to an outstanding mother chosen from each church.
Mrs. Dorothy Davenport was toast-mistress to the following program:
Welcome, Ronda Ewoldsen; Invocation, Mrs. Fern Boyles; Exercise, Mothers We Honor You, Sheryl Poths, Emily and Kathi Oehlert; Instrumental Number, I Surrender All, Karen Oehlert, Lloydene Ewoldsen and Jennie Lynne Davenport; Reading, Her Occupation, Annie Laurie Davenport; Tableau, Mother's All, Cast of sixteen, plus chorus; Honoring mothers in audience, Mrs. Wilma Jane Davenport.
A corsage was awarded to the mother who came the greatest distance, Mrs. Ruth. Tomlinson from Manley, la.; Mrs. Grace Danner received a corsage for being the youngest mother present. Mrs. Juanita Woods received a corsage for being the mother with the most daughters present. Honorable mention was given to several 3rd and 4th generatlons present. The three special honors went to Mrs. Theresa Patterson from the Catholic
Church for her active work in her church; Mrs. Helen Stearns from the Christian Church for her faithful devotion to her family and church; Mrs. Fern Boyles from the Methodist Church for her years of service to her church and especially for her work with the teenagers In her Sunday School class. Corsages and lovely bracelets were given to them.
"A Goodby" given by Elizabeth Oehlert closed the program. Refreshments were served from the tea table consisting of punch, coffee, cake, nuts and mints. Mrs. Glida Boor and Mrs. Jean Oehlert poured. One hundred and seventeen signed the guest book.

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